For more information, contact us: Ir. Diana Hendrawan, M.Si, e-Mail: nana_hdr{at} Drs. Usman Gunadi, e-Mail: usman_gun{at} Mentina Napitupulu, Amd, e-Mail:…
NO. INSTITUTION 1 P4WS Jrs. Sipil Fak. Teknik Universitas Pancasila (Center for River Basin Development and Management. Engineering Faculty. University…
NO. INSTITUTION 1 PERPAMSI ( Persatuan Perusahaan Air Minum Seluruh Indonesia /Association of Indonesian water companies) 2 PT. Air Cerdas…
NO. INSTITUTION 1 Badan Litbang Departemen Pertanian ( Research and Development. Departement of Agriculture) 2 Direktorat Jenderal Sumberdaya Air, Departemen…