(1)    KAI organization shall consist of Indonesia Water Partnership in National level and Water Partnerships in regional levels.
(2)    In regional levels there can be Provincial Water Partnerships, Regency / Municipal Water Partnerships, and River Region Water Partnerships, where all shall be with approvals from KAI.
(3)    The arrangements in the establishment of Provincial Water Partnership, Regency / Municipal Water Partnership, and River Region Water Partnership shall be regulated in the Bylaw of KAI.
(4)    The Boards of KAI shall consist of: the Steering Board, the Executive Board, and the Foundation of KAI.

Primary Duties
It is the Primary Duties of KAI to:
a.    Build partnership among the stakeholders in the sector of water resources who agree on the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management principles in Indonesia.
b.    Provide advocacy and support the implementation of the principles and processes on Integrated Water Resources Management.
c.    Conduct consultation and cooperation with relevant organizations, both domestic and foreign ones.
d.    Arrange dialogues between the stakeholders in the sector of water resources.
e.    Arrange socialization activities on Integrated Water Resources Management and campaigns on water care.
f.    Support the implementation of the activities as resulted in the Indonesia Water Forum.

It shall be the functions of KAI as:
a)    Advocator and motivator in the implementation on the principles and processes of the Integrated Water Resources Management.
b)    Country Water Partnership (CWP) and focal point of Global Water Partnership (GWP) in Indonesia.
c)    Part of the independent networking organization for water resources in regional and international levels.
d)    Supporter in the implementation of Indonesia Water Forum (FAI)