NO. |
1 |
Badan Litbang Departemen Pertanian ( Research and Development. Departement of Agriculture) |
2 |
Direktorat Jenderal Sumberdaya Air, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum ( Directorat of Water Resources, Departement of Public Works) |
3 |
BAPPEDAL (State Ministry for Environment / Environmental Impact Mangement Agency) |
4 |
BPLHD Prop. DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Environmental Management Agency ) |
5 |
BKSP Jabotabek ( Development Coordination Agency for Jabodetabek) |
6 |
Puslitbang Sosial Ekonomi (PSE) Dep. Pertanian ( Department of Agriculture) |
7 |
Puslit Air, Balitbang SDA, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum(Research center for Water Resources, Agency of R & D, Ministry of Public Works) |
8 |
Direktorat Pengairan dan Irigasi BAPPENAS (Directorate Water & Irrigation, Bappenas) |
9 |
Tim Air Kedeputian Teknologi Pengembangan SD Air BPPT (State Ministry for Research and Technology / Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology] |
10 |
Dit. Pemanfaatan Air Irigasi, Bina Sarana Pertanian, Dep. Tan. |
11 |
Proyek PWS Ciliwung Cisadane (Ciliwung Cisadane River Basin Management Project) |
12 |
SubDit. Konservasi Air Tanah-DTLGKP ((Direktorat Tata Lingkungan Geologi dan Kawasan Pertambangan) / Directorate of Environmental Geology |
13 |
UPT Hujan Buatan BPP Teknologi ( Agency for the Assesment and Application of Technology Indonesia) |
14 |
BPLHD Jakarta Timur ( East Jakarta, Environmental Management Agency) |
15 |
Puskaji SBEW, Balitbang Kimpraswil (Center of SBEW. Departement of Public Works) |
16 |
Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (BPSDM) Depkimpraswil ( Human Resources Development. Departement of Public Works) |
17 |
BKS P3A Jawa Barat (BKS Water Users Assosiation. East Java) |