NO. |
1 |
HATTA (Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah dan Air) / Land and Water Engineers Association) |
2 |
KNI – ICID (Indonesian Committee on Irrigation and Drainage) |
3 |
HATHI (Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia) / Indonesian Association of Hydraulic Engineers |
4 |
Ikatan Mahasiswa Keairan Indonesia (IMKI) / Water Resources Student Asosiation) |
5 |
Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI / Association of Geologists in Indonesia) |
6 |
PERHIMPI ( Perhimpunan Meteorologi Pertanian Indonesia / Association of Indonesian Agrometeorologists) |
7 |
Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) / Indonesian Engineers Institution |
8 |
9 |
LP3ES ( Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial/ The Institute for Economic and Social Research, Education and Information) |
10 |
Komisi Nasional Bendungan Besar (KNI-BB) / Indonesian Committee on Large Dams |